Database of numbering resource use


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You selected 1 advanced search criterion:

  1. Type of Licence: Geographic
Operator Beginning of a block End of a block Date from Date to
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 10 2100000 10 2100999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 10 2101000 10 2101999 09/19/2022 09/19/2032
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 10 2150000 10 2150999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 10 2157000 10 2157999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 10 2310000 10 2314999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 10 2316000 10 2317999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 10 2318000 10 2318999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 10 2319000 10 2319999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 10 2320000 10 2327999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 10 2331000 10 2338999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 10 2340000 10 2348999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 10 2353000 10 2353999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 10 2360000 10 2363999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 10 2383000 10 2383999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 10 2387000 10 2387999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 10 2680000 10 2682999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 10 2688000 10 2689999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 10 304000 10 305999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 10 310000 10 314999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 10 316000 10 327999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027