Database of numbering resource use


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3397 records

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You selected 1 advanced search criterion:

  1. Type of Licence: Geographic
Operator Beginning of a block End of a block Date from Date to
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 11 2641000 11 2648999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 11 2650000 11 2653999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 11 2655000 11 2676999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 11 2681000 11 2688999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 11 2690000 11 2699999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 11 2710000 11 2719999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 11 2721000 11 2723999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 11 2731000 11 2732999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 11 2740000 11 2743999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 11 2745000 11 2745999 11/02/2020 11/02/2030
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 11 2746000 11 2746999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 11 2748000 11 2748999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 11 2750000 11 2790999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 11 2797000 11 2798999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 11 2830000 11 2839999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 11 2850000 11 2853999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 11 2854000 11 2857999 11/29/2021 11/29/2031
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 11 2860000 11 2864999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 11 2880000 11 2899999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027
Telekom Srbija a.d., Beograd 11 2910000 11 2910999 06/10/2017 06/10/2027