
Selected criterion matches

96102 records

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You selected 2 advanced search criteria:

  1. Type of licence: Radio station licences
  2. Validity: Valid remove criteria

Table legend:

Black text license is valid

Gray text license is not valid

Ordinal number License reference number Rights holder Transmitting frequency Receiving frequency Valid from Valid until Class of station/service Location Additional data
1036240 021/001071/001 Preduzeće za telekomunikacije Telekom Srbija akcionarsko društvo, Beograd 12835.00000 Hz 13101.00000 Hz 09/20/2021 09/19/2031 FX/CP BIZ497 AMRES P2P TIBUZDE, KP 6932 More Less
1085924 024/000094/002 Preduzeće za telekomunikacije Telekom Srbija akcionarsko društvo, Beograd 12814.00000 Hz 13080.00000 Hz 03/11/2024 03/10/2034 FX/CP SU03 More Less