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Database of public electronic communications networks and service operators
Database of numbering resource use
Database of RF spectrum use
Database of broadcasting spectrum use
Database related to RF spectrum control and monitoring
Database of Reports on technical inspection
Database of issued technical permits - certificates
Register of closed interconnection agreements
Session proceedings and decisions of the Council
Register of Decisions of the Director of the Regulatory Authority
Data base of infrastructure subject to shared use and access
Register on issued Certificates and Excerpts from the Register on R&TT Equipment Conformity
Register of radio stations in radio frequency bands used under the regime of general authorization
Baza podataka prenetih brojeva
Registar zaključenih ugovora o međupovezivanju na međunarodnom nivou
Registar izdatih i oduzetih dozvola poštanskim operatorima
Registar podataka o datim saglasnostima na akte kojima se prenosi pravo na korišćenje dodeljene numeracije
Registar podataka o datim saglasnostima na akte kojima se prenosi pravo korišćenje radio-frekvencija
Registar zaključenih ugovora o pristupu poštanskoj mreži javnog poštanskog operatora
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Register of closed interconnection agreements
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Database of closed interconnection agreements
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Database of public electronic communications networks and service operators
Database of numbering resource use
Database of RF spectrum use
Database of broadcasting spectrum use
Database related to RF spectrum control and monitoring
Database of Reports on technical inspection
Database of issued technical permits - certificates
Register of closed interconnection agreements
Session proceedings and decisions of the Council
Register of Decisions of the Director of the Regulatory Authority
Data base of infrastructure subject to shared use and access
Register on issued Certificates and Excerpts from the Register on R&TT Equipment Conformity
Register of radio stations in radio frequency bands used under the regime of general authorization
Baza podataka prenetih brojeva
Registar zaključenih ugovora o međupovezivanju na međunarodnom nivou
Registar izdatih i oduzetih dozvola poštanskim operatorima
Registar podataka o datim saglasnostima na akte kojima se prenosi pravo na korišćenje dodeljene numeracije
Registar podataka o datim saglasnostima na akte kojima se prenosi pravo korišćenje radio-frekvencija
Registar zaključenih ugovora o pristupu poštanskoj mreži javnog poštanskog operatora
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